Monday, November 13, 2023
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
2022 Low-Income Renters Needs Assessment
Session ID BECC
D3 - Overarching Lessons for Energy Equity
Equity & Empowerment

The 2022 Low Income Needs Assessment (LINA) study was conducted for the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in conjunction with the joint California investor-owned utilities (PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, SCG) to inform the planning and implementation of the low income direct installation programs. The key objectives of the LINA study focused on understanding the low income renter market. The study relied on numerous data collection methods and information sources including an analysis of existing program and billing data, analysis of Census and other secondary data, telephone survey data from 1,127 low-income renter households in California, 40 in-depth interviews with renter households, energy burden calculations by housing type, and an analysis of evictions trends. This presentation will focus on key study findings, which include characterizing the low income renter market (both single family and multifamily housing) and calculating energy burden for both renters and owners. Additional findings include an assessment of market and program barriers to serving customers residing at rental property types (e.g., single-family; large, medium, and small multifamily; deed-restricted; market-rate); and identifying the needs of vulnerable populations within the rental market (e.g., households with seniors, disabled members, non-English speaking). This study represents one of the most comprehensive assessments of the low income rental market to date, and covers many of the same populations targeted by DEI and equity policies. As a consequence, the study results will be of interest to anyone designing or managing low income programs that seeks to balance DEI and equity goals with achieving program savings.

Supporting Document 1