Tuesday, November 14, 2023
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
NEEA’s Strategy to Move a Complex Web of Audiences toward LLLC Adoption
Session ID
C4 - Approaches to Innovative Marketing and Outreach
Behavior - based Programs

Since 2021, C+C has worked with the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) to advance adoption of Luminaire Level Lighting Controls (LLLC) in commercial buildings. While some early adopters had embraced LLLC, there were numerous challenges to broader adoption; most notably, the complex web of market actors influencing LLLC’s inclusion in projects, each with varying levels of awareness, understanding and receptivity to the product. We employed Social Marketing principles to develop a strategic outreach framework to create receptivity and drive adoption, starting with a social marketing workshop including a broad array of stakeholders. We analyzed the path to purchase and defined and prioritized the various market actors who influence it. We then plotted these audiences on the social marketing behavior change continuum, defining their current state, desired state, and the motivators and barriers that separate them. These insights were used to develop an overarching message strategy that clearly articulates the LLLC value proposition and key messages. We then developed a message map for each priority audience, leveraging audience-specific motivators and barriers to help drive action. The message map served as the foundation of our content strategy, which was implemented through direct market engagement, digital campaigns, authored articles, media relations, social media, webinars and events, and collateral such as case studies and technical guides. Through our efforts, we’ve secured 32 media placements with 3.7 million impressions, 19,000 completed video views on a LinkedIn digital campaign, and updated many technical and informational guides distributed at our conferences to multiple attendees. Our team continues to measure progress through this year’s Market Progress Evaluation Report and will be completing another social marketing workshop to assess our audiences this year. With our presentation we will share a process roadmap to help other BECC attendees achieve behavior change and market transformation goals.

Supporting Document 1