Our team has designed a new training program curriculum to educate building operators on grid-interactive efficient buildings and occupant engagement. Grid-efficient building technologies, such as smart building automation, can dynamically adjust the building’s energy use. For example, building automation systems (BAS) may adjust thermostat setpoint temperatures, thereby reducing energy use/consumption?. However, this type of operation may also introduce barriers to maintaining occupant comfort, satisfaction, and health, especially if occupants do not understand the intent. The program aims to provide a human-centered approach to training the next generation of building operators using grid-efficient building technologies and concepts and will be implemented in vocational-technical high schools and community colleges. One unique element of this project is how occupant behavior is embedded in the key curriculum and lesson plans. For instance, we aim to have students understand how occupant behaviors can impact the built environment and building energy performance: from occupant to building, to grid scales. The curriculum explains to the students how building occupants can impact the building energy use and overall operations, what to look for, how to communicate and build relationships with occupants, and strategies they can use to resolve both building and human-based problems to maximize energy efficiency. Utilizing operator training to instill an understanding of new technologies affecting both their occupants and building systems and equipping them with the skills to communicate the benefits and best use of technologies to occupants goes beyond typical training focused on technical aspects of operation or energy efficiency. Building operators coming into the field may not have the soft skills necessary to maximize both comfort and energy efficiency. In this presentation, we walk through the key elements of our BOGO curriculum and discuss how occupant behaviors and the human dimension are so critical for inclusion in building operator training.