Launched in 2018, Con Edison’s Innovative Pricing Pilot (IPP) uses multi-variate testing to measure the efficacy of offers and rate structures to align customers’ electricity costs with their consumption, providing new opportunities for customers to better manage their energy costs. It features seven rates which differ from each other in various ways, including when customers’ demands are measured, how demand is priced, and how electricity supply is priced. IPP features some of the most innovative rate structures in the industry and is being closely watched for its implications across the country. In 2020, Con Edison enrolled 62k customers to IPP from Brooklyn, a significantly more diverse customer population than previously targeted audiences. In Q1 2023, the Pilot expanded again with the recruitment of 100k customers in the Bronx, Manhattan and Queens, the most diverse urban community in the world. This final phase of IPP is known as Wave 4. This session will share insights and recommendations from focus groups conducted before Waves 3 and 4, which informed recruitment materials. Also discussed will be the ways in which past recruitment messages were refined to reach more ethnically diverse target audiences and recruitment results, including how diverse audiences have engaged with innovative rates offerings and enrollment strategies (opt-in and opt-out), and how results compared to previous campaigns, especially for customers in Experian Mosaic’s Cultural Connections segment (diverse, mid- and low-income families in urban apartments and residences). Since recruitment, Con Edison has conducted four surveys with Brooklyn participants and, by the time of the BECC conference, will have fielded one survey to Wave 4 participants. These surveys measure awareness, understanding, behavior, and satisfaction. Con Edison will present survey findings for the Cultural Connections segment, and where applicable, how results have changed over time, as well as how they have influenced on-going engagement communications.