It is well established that as critical beneficial electrification efforts ramp up and compounding stresses on our grid intensify, the ability to flex the collective set of distributed resources on the grid must grow in parallel. And while there are front-of-the-meter resources that will continue to contribute to flexibility, behind-the-meter (BTM) customer resources, namely Behavioral Energy Efficiency (BEE) and Behavioral Demand Response (BDR), must also play a paramount role as one of the most cost-effective, quick-start, and agile resources at a utility’s disposal. But what’s different about this outlook compared to traditional siloed approaches to BEE and BDR respectively? For starters, the burgeoning ability for utilities to know and align to each customer analytics unlocked via advanced meter infrastructure (AMI)--specifically their individual usage profile and correlated savings and shift potential–enables a more potent and critical resource to the grid. Traditional strategies that generalized BEE or BDR programs as separate resources with parallel behavior change strategies will no longer work effectively in siloed delivery to customers. Instead, utilities must combine the powers of BEE/BDR dynamically to maximize the achievable resource potential. The key to maximizing the consumer’s contribution to grid optimization of paired BEE and BDR is to understand each customer’s unique fingerprint of shiftable, sheddable, and stackable potential within the overall population. This presentation explores a “load” of real anonymized customer usage data and the appropriate strategies to address shed, shift, and stack as well as discusses results and learnings of these strategies at utilities in North America.