Wednesday, November 15, 2023
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Using Technology to Drive Energy Savings
Session ID BECC
C7 - Using Technology to Empower Energy Savings: Success stories

Technology has greatly contributed to awareness and energy reduction for utility residential and commercial use. Since the advent of Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Automated Meter Reading, smart thermostats, and home automation, technology has assisted in developing the utility of the future. This presentation will highlight the advancement of technologies in demonstrating how they are helping utility provider, Dominion Energy offer energy efficiency programs to customers in its Utah service territory. The presentation will also show the impact of data in providing customer insights and opportunities to improve their energy consumption. The utility has taken great steps to provide customers with detailed information online for eligible rebate offerings and historical analysis. The utility has also provided insights for residential customers for personalized recommendations and weather alerts. Ultimately, this presentation will highlight the frontiers of opportunity for future energy savings.

Supporting Document 1