Tim Michel, Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Dan Fredman, Opower | Oracle Energy & Water

The Residential Energy Efficiency team at Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), combined with the support of many teams including Marketing, Evaluation, Solar, DR, and Policy, deploys one of the largest and most innovative Behavioral Energy Efficiency programs in the country, leveraging the latest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Energy Data Science through a partnership with the Opower team at Oracle. Known as the Continuous Energy Feedback Program (CEFP), this program provides targeted and personalized communications to over three million PG&E residential households via outbound communications, covering 55% of PG&E’s residential customers. The key drivers of this program are energy efficiency, customer satisfaction, and improved operational efficiencies by providing customers with digital self-service tools. In this session, learn how this program has evolved over time, starting with a pilot of just 50,000 households in 2011 to the program it is today, reviewing program metrics to date. In addition, we plan to cover the per-household impact of this program, so regardless of the size of your utility, these programs make a difference in the lives of your customers and help you achieve your energy efficiency goals.