Lea Lupkin, Sense
Mia Hermine, Recurve
Kara Saul Rinaldi, AnnDyl Policy Group LLC

With $4.3 billion for Home Efficiency (HOMES) Rebates, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) presents an historic opportunity to advance equitable energy efficiency and demand flexibility in homes across America. HOMES includes a measured savings pathway that has the potential to transform the energy efficiency market—turning investments in weatherization and electrification into a reliable grid resource that protects consumers. Measured savings is real-time, or near real-time, meter-based measurement. This panel will provide an overview of measured savings and discuss how it is changing the landscape of behavior-based programs. Many utilities and third-party implementers and aggregators have employed performance-based energy efficiency and demand response programs. Now, many factors are spurring the growth and evolution of performance-based approaches, including performance-based regulation (PBR) of utilities, FERC Order 2222, the IRA HOMES program, advancements in hardware and software technology, and the increasing availability of market solutions. Key to performance-based approaches is how savings are measured. “M&V 2.0” has been discussed for many years, and it is finally coming to fruition. The need for accurate and standardized meter-based methods has grown, along with the market for scalable and integrated demand-side programs. Real-time data and standardized meter-based measurement enable faster understanding of how interventions are impacting home energy consumption. These methods enable confidence in the impacts of behind-the-meter resources, helps bring a wider variety of demand-side programs to the table including behavior-based measures, and helps bring them to more homes including underserved/disadvantaged communities. The panelists will share insights and best practices based on real-world deployment of measured savings approaches. They will discuss the role of policy, technology, utilities, and markets in driving these approaches forward to achieve a decarbonized, equitable grid.