Wednesday, November 15, 2023
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
A7 - Lightning: Transportation
Session ID BECC
Rubal Dua Allen Greenberg Cecilia Shang Jamie Rye Muhammad Talal Khalid

Moderator: Gil Tal


  • State-Level Transportation Re-pricing for Carbon Reduction and Equity
  • E-bikes: A Sustainable Alternative to Local Car Travel
  • The CanBikeCO Full Pilot: Long-Term Results and Analysis
  • Consumer Preferences for Ride-Hailing: Barriers to an Autonomous, Shared, and Electric Future
  • EV Adoption: "Good Enough" Modeling in a Data-Constricted World
  • Survey Integration in NREL OpenPATH for Comprehensive Travel Behavior Evaluation
  • Give Your Car (and Wallet) a Break: Behavioral Science to Shift Commuting Behavior in Kosovo
  • From Naifs to Sophisticates: Awareness of Self-nudging Reduces Car Usage
  • Predictors of Electric Vehicle Adoption Intent in Rideshare Drivers Relative to Commuters
  • Contextually Informed Model Formulation

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