Katheleen Dixon, FortisBC Energy Inc.
Jimmy Lu, IESO
Amy Seabrooke, BC Hydro

Moderator: Kira Ashby, Consortium for Energy Efficiency
The work of our Center, at a nonprofit collaborating with energy utilities in the US and Canada, seeks to address through a behavioral science lens the reality that not all ratepayers participate in—and benefit from—energy efficiency programs to the same extent. As energy efficiency program administrators aim to make program design and implementation more equitable, a key segment frequently underserved by utilities are Indigenous communities. We propose a panel discussion by several utilities that have already gained some initial ground in this space. Each program administrator panelist will highlight some successes and challenges of engaging indigenous community members in their respective jurisdictions, the lessons learned from their work to date, and the challenges that remain. Collectively, the panel will highlight any behavioral techniques leveraged and steps that have been taken to improve the design and marketing of programs to ensure equitable access to energy efficiency programs for members of indigenous communities.