Monday, November 13, 2023
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Designing Behavior-Change Program Dashboards to Ensure Equity Takes a Front Seat in Decision Making
Session ID BECC
D2 - Enhancing the Visibility, Salience, and Prominence of Equity in Utility Programs
Equity & Empowerment
Kara Crohn

Policy makers and administrators are increasingly incorporating equity components in their programs and tracking progress towards these equity goals, including the equitable distribution of program funds. As researchers, it is imperative that we do what we can to make data easy to understand and minimize potential for misinterpretation or misuse. How we visualize data influences people’s decisions. Increasingly, stakeholders use dashboards to track gaps and gains in energy behavior change programs. Equity metrics are of particular concern. Yet, poorly designed dashboards can mask information about who is and is not benefiting from programs. Furthermore, dashboards not designed with ADA compliancy in mind can disadvantage those with visual and cognitive impairments. This presentation will use examples from CSE-created program dashboards to discuss four important aspects of inclusive dashboard design that CSE’s Transparency & Insights team employs: Equity-related information: geographic disbursement, demographics, group adoption patterns Leading-edge data visualization practices to ensure appropriate interpretation of data User-centered design process that incorporates stakeholder feedback to ensure data is used to inform decisions ADA compliance to improve access to dashboard data for those with visual and cognitive limitations. Policy makers, program administrators, media, advocacy groups, and the general public use our interactive dashboards. For California Air Resources Board (CARB) Clean Vehicle Rebate Program (CVRP), it has become increasingly important to highlight equitable access to electric vehicles for disadvantaged and low-to-moderate income communities (DACs & LICs). For California Energy Commission’s CALeVIP program, it is critical to track the equitable geographic placement of vehicle chargers in addition to the number of applications received by region. Our forthcoming dashboard, the Universal Dashboard that combines data across all of CARB’s electric vehicle programs, highlights the importance of a user-centered design process to accomplish a deeper understanding of how incentive program designs work across communities.

Supporting Document 1