Policy research addressing climate justice cautions that too little of the types of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies that improve wellbeing are being done in places and for populations that stand to benefit most. Studies evaluating climate change mitigation and adaptation policy often focus on climate adaptation plans as a bottom-up policy to address climate change. In the policy environment of California, where legislative action has codified policy responses to climate change, few studies have systematically examined the social aspects of adaptation and mitigation in local policy. This research asks ‘to what extent do jurisdictions in LA County address social equity in climate policy?’ by assembling local and regional policies including Climate Action Plans (CAP), Climate Action and Adaptation Plans (CAAP), Sustainability Plans, Energy Action Plans, specific elements of General Plans, Local Hazard Mitigation Plans, and regional Sustainable Community Strategies. As of early 2023, 42 (47%) of jurisdictions have adopted a CAP, CAAP or other stand-alone plan, 12 (14%) have created or updated a General Plan Element, 2 (2%) have both a stand-alone plan and General Plan Element, 12 (15%) are in the process of developing a local climate mitigation and/or adaptation plan, and 19 (22%) have no publicly available information on policy response to climate change at the local level. This qualitative textual analysis of plans will describe (1) the extent to which plans include social components or consider social impacts, (2) the types of components and impacts included and distribution across plans, (3) how equity is presented in these plans, and (4) which strategies include equitable approaches to adaptation and mitigation.