Monday, November 13, 2023
5:15 PM - 6:45 PM
Understanding Plug-in Electric Vehicle Adopters' Vehicle Decisions and Household Fleet Portfolio
Session ID BECC
Poster Presentations

This research aims to understand how adopters of PEVs, including both battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles choose among many different vehicle make and models. Our work leverages discrete choice modeling with a focus on modeling vehicle transactions at the household level. We applied the multinomial logit model to a sample of two-vehicle and PEV-adopting households in California from 2017 to 2020. Our results demonstrated that there are certain complementarities among vehicle classes being chosen together in a two-vehicle portfolio. Namely, households are likely to choose a midsize PEV and a large vehicle, such as a large truck or a SUV. Our results provide evidence for complementarity among certain vehicle classes in a household vehicle portfolio. Future research aims to understand the use patterns of these vehicles, especially when a household owns a PEV and an internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV). We want to investigate the greenhouse gasses emissions implications from potentially owning an ICEV for longer than the household would have owned it, had the household not adopted a PEV. Such analysis is crucial for understanding the full-scope environmental impacts of PEV adoption.