Michael Peterson , Deputy Commissioner on Climate and Sustainability, Climate and Sustainability Branch, California Department of Insurance

While property insurance is critical to hedging against the risk of damage from climate-related events, insurance also can be an underappreciated cornerstone of community resilience. In this fireside chat, Ellie White, a senior associate on the Finance the Future initiative at RMI, will host a conversation with Michael Peterson, the Deputy Commissioner of the Climate and Sustainability Branch at California’s Department of Insurance. Together, they will unpack the role that the insurance industry can have in pivoting from business as usual to advancing strategic changes that incentivize resilience measures and adaptation and foster equitable individual and community preparedness. During the discussion, Ellie will chat with the Deputy Commissioner about his leadership in the state—which has the fifth largest economy in the world and the fourth largest insurance market— and will unpack the state’s involvement in co-leading the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Climate Risk & Resiliency Task Force. Throughout the discussion, Ellie and Michael will tie together basic themes: accessible risk information, policies to promote insurance availability and equity to reduce the protection gap, resilient building codes, resilient land use, and insurance approaches related to innovation, risk reduction, and nature-based solutions. They will also explore how building public understanding of risk and how to de-risk is fundamental to making decisions for elected officials and insurers, as well as for individuals about where and how to live. Finally, Ellie will ask the Deputy Commissioner about progress towards and examples of how the State is following a multidimensional approach to addressing the threat of climate impacts: from actions that can be taken from the top down, through direct government leadership, and from the bottom up, fostering disaster preparation, local risk reduction, and affordable insurance for communities and individuals.