Sunday, November 12, 2023
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Pre-Conference Workshop - Popular Education as a Means for Energy Justice
Session ID BECC
W1 - Popular Education as a Means for Energy Justice

To attend this pre-conference session be sure to RSVP by:
Presented by The Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy (CEED)
What is popular education and how can we use it to engage our communities to advance environmental justice? Join the Center for Earth, Energy, & Democracy (CEED) for a Train the Trainer session using our popular education curriculum: Justice in My Home Heating. This session will provide you with tangible, community-centered, culturally-relevant tools to engage and motivate individuals and households on the importance of practicing energy efficiency and taking advantage of energy affordability programs in their state.
Participants will also access CEED’s additional educational resources for future use.
Supporting Document 1
Supporting Document 2
Supporting Document 3