Sunday, November 12, 2023
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Pre-Conference Workshop - Under Construction: Building DOE’s Social Science Research Agenda
Session ID
W2 - Under Construction: Building DOE’s Social Science Research Agenda

To attend this pre-conference session be sure to RSVP by:

Presented by The Department of Energy (DOE)

The Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is in the process of developing a social science research agenda. Please join us for an interactive workshop to help inform the direction of this work.

Transitioning America’s energy sector is critical for meeting the country’s climate and development goals. Getting there will require not just innovative technologies, but also change at the individual, group, and society levels. EERE recognizes that its three pillar areas — renewable energy technologies, buildings and industry, and sustainable transportation — encompass both technical and social domains, and that the social sciences will be an increasingly integral part of the research portfolio as society grapples with the energy transition.  

EERE leadership is soliciting input on social science topics, approaches, and themes to inform its near- and medium-term research priorities. This will be an interdisciplinary, facilitated workshop with break-out groups and discussion, where participants will consider questions such as:

  • Working backward from a successful energy transition, how did we get there as a society?
  • How do we push the frontier of what we know and observe and understand about energy and society to address structural barriers to a successful clean energy transition?

Given space limitations, after registering, please email us at with 1-2 sentences briefly describing your background, disciplinary specialty, and topic(s) of study/interest and we will follow-up.