Tuesday, November 14, 2023
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Electric Vehicle Charging Reliability: What EV Drivers Say
Session ID BECC
C5 - EV Adoption

In interviews conducted during the first half of 2022, electric vehicle drivers throughout the US described their search for and use of charging facilities . The purpose was to understand electric vehicle drivers’ charging including how they use information resources such as in-vehicle information systems including navigation as well as smartphone apps from automotive manufacturers, charging providers, and third parties to manage, navigate, and pay for charging. Interviews also covered desired functionality for vehicle charging and information systems, charging fails and pain points, and ideal charging experience A framework is synthesized from these EV drivers’ accounts to provide a narrative arc to their experience, highlight how their accounts illustrate “technical” data on charging system reliability, and point to several social and behavioral science approaches to inform ongoing efforts to improve reliability.

Supporting Document 1