Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Location Name
Sonoran Sky 5
A Trauma-Informed Approach to Helping Survivors Navigate Legal Services
Law Enforcement, Legal & Policy
Brent Woody, Justice Restoration Center
Joel Shapiro, Trafficking Law Center
Marianna Kosharovsky, ALIGHT (Alliance to Lead Impact in Global Human Trafficking)
Grace Tang, Alight
Joel Shapiro, Trafficking Law Center
Marianna Kosharovsky, ALIGHT (Alliance to Lead Impact in Global Human Trafficking)
Grace Tang, Alight

In recovering from trafficking, survivors face many barriers that require legal assistance. Attorneys from the National Survivor Law Collective will discuss the principles of trauma-informed lawyering, what survivors can anticipate when involved in different types of legal matters, and strategies for finding and working with trauma-informed pro bono lawyers.