Wednesday, October 23, 2024
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Location Name
Sonoran Sky 5
Prevention Initiatives: Bringing Together Community, Nonprofits, and K-16 Education
Deb Getz Emma Marsh

Join us in this interactive session as we highlight a statewide grassroots initiative created to empower and give voice to youth and young adults through the creation of the Indiana Prevention Education Coalition. Designed to bring individuals together and to enhance primary prevention education, this critical network includes CAC’s, K–16 schools, state, and nonprofit organizations. Together, we assist school districts in meeting state mandate requirements, state agencies expand prevention programs in rural areas, and provide funding strategies for continued growth and research across Indiana. Participants will have access to our Coalition structure, key framing documents, summaries of K-16 programs, and social media and educational tools.