Full Name
John-Michael Lander
Job Title
An Athlete's Silence
Speaker Bio
John-Michael Lander is the founder of An Athlete’s Silence, certified Trainer and Life Coach for the Self-Talk Institute. As a 14-year-old Olympic-bound athlete, the adults entrusted with his training groomed and trafficked him into silence. Today, he helps individuals and organizations identify the Predatory Grooming Trifecta© through writing, speaking, and consulting. He has also created the Predatory Internet Grooming© (PIG) and PIG Patrol© to help parents, children and educators understand the online epidemic.
He appeared in Time Magazine, USA TODAY, CBC Canada Tonight with Ginella Massa, CityNews Winnipeg, and others. He has shared his story in the novels Surface Tension and Cracked Surface.
He appeared in Time Magazine, USA TODAY, CBC Canada Tonight with Ginella Massa, CityNews Winnipeg, and others. He has shared his story in the novels Surface Tension and Cracked Surface.
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