Melinda Lopez, The Ortiz Group
Karen Horkitz, Cadmus Group
Stacey Hobart, CalMTA

California has set a bold path for energy efficiency innovation with a decision to establish CalMTA (the California Market Transformation Administrator), which will develop and manage large-scale market transformation initiatives to bring lasting market-level changes for cost-effective energy efficiency. Market transformation works to remove barriers to the adoption of energy-efficient, equitable, and climate-friendly approaches so that they become a new standard. The changes sought are lasting and represent quantifiable benefits that remain long after active market interventions have ended. Market transformation initiatives also support California’s goals in greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction, workforce development, and equity. To achieve its aims, CalMTA will rely on more than just established technologies and programs. It will identify cutting-edge energy efficiency and GHG reducing technologies and practices and couple them with activities that remove market barriers and jump-start market adoption. This session will share with attendees the strategies behind California’s emerging market transformation portfolio. CalMTA will be concluding a Request for Ideas prior to the BECC event, making it perfectly timed to also present to California stakeholders and others the priority ideas that will be pursued in the coming year. Staff and members of the consulting team will provide an overview of the approach and high-value, cost-effective energy efficiency that market transformation initiatives (MTIs) will work to realize. Additionally, the MTIs will be assessed for merits related to decarbonization, grid flexibility, workforce development, and energy equity. Panelists will preview the concepts that have been prioritized for development followed by an interactive session where attendees will work together to consider how MTIs could be best formed to achieve their goals. Ideas will be shared and vetted by the group in a facilitated discussion.