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OrganizationCity (Address)State/Province/County (Address)Country (Address)
Braemar Energy VenturesNew YorkNYUnited States
U.S. Department of EnergyKnoxvilleTNUnited States
ideas42ArlingtonVAUnited States
SMUDSacramentoCAUnited States
MCESan RafaelCAUnited States
Marin Clean EnergySan RafaelCAUnited States
MCE- Marin Clean EnergySan RafaelCAUnited States
CIEE/CITRIS UC BerkeleyBerkeleyCAUnited States
Impact EnergyAttleboroMAUnited States
University of California DavisDavisCAUnited States
University of MinnesotaSaint PaulMNUnited States
ICFNew YorkNYUnited States
NORESCOPittsburghPAUnited States
Pacific Northwest National LaboratorySeattleWAUnited States
TRC CompaniesWindsorCTUnited States
Viridis ConsultingSan MarinoCAUnited States
CalMTA (administered by Resource Innovations)Half Moon BayCAUnited States
Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryALBANYCAUnited States
SealedWashingtonDCUnited States
The Ortiz GroupHalf Moon BayCAUnited States
TRC CompaniesPortlandORUnited States
CalMTA (administered by Resource Innovations)Half Moon BayCAUnited States
KSH AdvisingHalf Moon BayCAUnited States
CalMTA (administered by Resource Innovations)Half Moon BayCAUnited States
SoCalRENOrangeCAUnited States
Vermont Energy Investment CorporationWinooskiVTUnited States
ICFRestonVAUnited States
ICFBedfordNYUnited States
Pacific Gas & Electric CompanyAuburnCAUnited States
Leidos/Hawaii EnergyHonoluluHIUnited States
APPRISEPrincetonNJUnited States
Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyOaklandCAUnited States
IKEAConshohockenPAUnited States
Arthur Vining Davis FoundationsPonte Vedra BeachFLUnited States
SMUDSacramentoCAUnited States
Sonoma Clean PowerSanta RosaCAUnited States
UplightBoulderCOUnited States
Edelman Public RelationsCharlestonSCUnited States
ICFRestonVAUnited States
ICFRestonVAUnited States
National Renewable Energy LaboratoryGoldenCOUnited States
NORESCOPittsburghPAUnited States
American Council for an Energy-Efficient EconomyWashingtonDCUnited States
UplightBoulderCOUnited States
HoneywellRaleighNCUnited States
APPRISEPrincetonNJUnited States
Res-IntelPortlandORUnited States
Indicia Consulting LLCHintonWVUnited States
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)GoldenCOUnited States
Gateway Cities Council of GovernmentsLong BeachCAUnited States