BECC 2023 Agenda
As of 11/09/2023 - subject to change
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Natalya Arevalo, Center for Earth, Energy, & Democracy (CEED) Regency F | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM | Regency D |
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Regency ABC |
Thank you to our Monday Sponsor
6:30 AM - 7:15 AM | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM | Lobby Level | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM | Tahoe | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7:00 AM - 8:30 AM | Regency ABC |
Plenary Session & Keynote Speaker
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM | Alejandro Moreno, Department of Energy Regency ABC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM | 2nd Floor Foyer |
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
A1 - Lightning: Snapshots of Program Design and Implementation in Diverse Contexts | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Josh Brock, Calpine | |
Integrating Energy Efficiency into Nigeria’s NDC: Opportunities and Challenges | Anayo Azubuike Ezeamama Dr., Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany | Regency D |
Solving the Grid Puzzle: Effective Shed, Shift, and Stack Approach to BEE and BDR | Hannah Courtney, Bidgely | Regency D |
Applying Social Norms to Increasing Sustainable Cooling Behaviors in Chinese Offices | Guanyu Yang, University College London | Regency D |
Which Bin? Using Behavioral Design to Improve Waste Sorting Behavior in a UN Agency | Marisa Nowicki MSPPM, ideas42 | Regency D |
Small Changes, Big Impact: MIT & Takeda Join Forces to Nudge Employees toward Sustainable Behavior | Laura Cappellucci, Takeda Lan Ha, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Regency D |
How Do Small and Medium Businesses Understand and Respond to TOU Rates? | Sea Rotmann Dr, See Change Institute | Regency D |
Enhancing MPC Controls with User-Centric Design: Lessons from K-12 School Buildings | Sang woo Ham PhD, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Regency D |
Leveraging the Superpower of Advertising for Climate Action | Bill Wescott, BrainOxygen LLC | Regency D |
B1 - Why We Decarbonize (Or Don't) | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Travis Niles, RARE | |
Interpersonal Dynamics of Residential Solar Adoption | Nicole Sintov, The Ohio State University | Regency E |
Co-adoption of Solar, Storage, and/or Electric Vehicles by Residential and Commercial Customers | Minhua Long, Electric Power Research Institute Margaret Taylor PhD, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Regency E |
The Role of Peer Influence in Low-Income Rooftop Solar Adoption | Eric O'Shaughnessy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Regency E |
Barriers to Net-Zero Policy for Retrofits and Low-Carbon Heating in Homes | David Glew PhD, Leeds Beckett University | Regency E |
C1 - Electric Vehicles and Equity | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Aaron Kurz, California Air Resources Board | |
Qualitative Study of Disadvantage and Electric Vehicle Utilization during Hurricane Evacuations | Divyamitra Mishra, University of South Florida | Regency F |
Emissions and Health Impact of Electric Vehicle Adoption on Disadvantaged Communities | Alan Jenn, University of California, Davis | Regency F |
Revving Up Equity: Electric Vehicle Adoption among Hard-to-Reach Populations | Samantha Lamos, Opinion Dynamics | Regency F |
D1 - Reimagining an Equitable Low-Carbon Future | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Bandana Kar, U.S. Department of Energy | |
From Policy to the Real World: Realizing an Equitable Energy Future | Leigh Michael, ILLUME Advising | Big Sur |
The Impact of Scarcity on Customer Preferences for Energy-Saving Building Technologies | Katelyn Stenger PhD, Nation Renewable Energy Laboratory | Big Sur |
Climate Change Impacts on Residential Electricity Consumption and Energy Burden in Phoenix, Arizona | Andrew Jones, Carnegie Mellon University | Big Sur |
Transitioning from Diesel Backup Generators to PV-Plus-Storage Microgrids | Sunjoo Hwang, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Big Sur |
E1 - Panel: Competition, Recognition, and Innovation: Motivating Participation to Build Inclusive Energy Action | ||
Competition, Recognition, and Innovation: Motivating Participation to Build Inclusive Energy Action | Elaina Lee, SoCalREN Sumi Gant, Gateway Cities Council of Governments Nicholas Ryu, San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Pam Close Bold, High Sierra Energy Foundation Samantha Dodero, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization | Golden State |
F1 - Sufficiency for a Fair and Equitable Energy Transition | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Max Wei, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab | |
Sufficiency for a Fair and Equitable Energy Transition | Reuven Sussman PhD, ACEEE Susan Mazur Stommen, Indicia Consulting Max Wei, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Jeetika Malik PhD Researcher, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Carmel |
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM | Tahoe |
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM | Regency ABC |
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
A2 - Lightning: Improving Community Resilience through Sustainability + Adaptation | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Christine Obee, Prism Engineering | |
Ensuring Resilient Mobility Equity in the Climate Crisis | Yesenia Lopez Perez, Greenlining | Regency D |
Climate Assemblies as a Citizen Engagement Tool to Deal with Climate Change | Aelita Skarzauskiene, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University | Regency D |
Audience Responses to Health and Risk Message Strategies Used in Climate Change YouTube Videos | Richard Amoako, George Mason University | Regency D |
Data-Driven Decentralization: Empowering Communities through Microgrids | Miriam Aczel, CIEE, University of California Berkeley | Regency D |
Engaging Vulnerable Multifamily Properties for Resilient Retrofits | Hal Nelson PhD, Res-Intel | Regency D |
Dramatically Reduce Non-revenue Water (NRW), Energy Consumption, and Maintenance Costs | Robert Montenegro, GRUNDFOS | Regency D |
Variability in Energy Consumption in Relation to Urban Heat Island and Socioeconomic Vulnerability | Bandana Kar, U.S. Department of Energy | Regency D |
Designing for Behavior Change: Improving Infrastructure Resilience through Virtual Experiences | Dalya Ismael, Old Dominion University | Regency D |
B2 - The Next Frontier in Utility Behavioral Programs | ||
Sundown Showdown: Illuminating Behavioral Efficiency and Demand Response Programs in Arizona | Russell Meyer PhD, Oracle | Regency E |
Behavioral Residential Programs at Scale | Naila Ahmed, Oracle / Opower Tim Michel, Pacific Gas & Electric Company Dan Fredman, Opower | Oracle Energy & Water | Regency E |
My Energy Target: A New Approach to Saving Residential Energy through Goal-Setting | Ash Gillis PhD, ICF | Regency E |
C2 - Green Businesses | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Christopher Payne, Retired | |
The Next Generation of Strategic Energy Management: Advances from NYSERDA’s 5-Year SEM Pilot | Zoe Dawson, Vermont Energy Investment Corporation | Regency F |
Renewable Heating and Cooling: 2030 Decarbonization Strategy | Adrian Avino, IKEA | Regency F |
Exploring Customer Perceptions of Green Business: An Experiment | Mahayla Slackerelli, Calpine Solutions | Regency F |
Pathways to Commercial Building Plug and Process Load Energy Reduction | Amy LeBar, National Renewable Energy Laboratory | Regency F |
D2 - Enhancing the Visibility, Salience, and Prominence of Equity in Utility Programs | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Karen Ehrhardt-Martinez PhD, ICF | |
Designing Behavior-Change Program Dashboards to Ensure Equity Takes a Front Seat in Decision Making | Kara Crohn, Center for Sustainable Energy | Big Sur |
Empowered: A Case Study on Energy Equity Storytelling | Whitney Hayes, Elevate | Big Sur |
Community Focused Redesign: Working Toward More Equitable Income-Qualified Utility Programs | Chris Ross, ICF Annalisa Wilder, ICF | Big Sur |
More Data and More Questions: Refining Both to Boost Residential Energy Program Participation | Emily Morris, ILLUME Advising | Big Sur |
E2 - Seeing Things in a Different Way — New Metrics and Resources | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Madalsa Singh, Stanford University | |
Trends in Behavior-Based Energy Efficiency Programs | Maya Saterson, The Consortium for Energy Efficiency | Carmel |
The Social Value of Demand-Side Management | Stepp Mayes, University of Southern California | Carmel |
Mixed Methods Research into DER Ownership and Engagement | Laura Cornish, Uplight Talia Perluss, South Bay Cities Council of Governments | Carmel |
F2 - Panel: Expect the Unexpected: Opportunities and Challenges of Working with Diverse Teams | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Nicole Wroblewski, TRC Companies | |
Expect the Unexpected: Opportunities and Challenges of Working with Diverse Teams | Nicole Wroblewski, TRC Companies De McCarthy-Doyle, TRC Companies Paul Douglas, The JPI Group Mabell Garcia Paine, Viridis Consulting Kecia Washington, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) | Golden State |
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM | 2nd Floor Foyer |
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Poster Reception
5:15 PM - 6:45 PM
Poster Presentations
8:30 PM - 10:00 PM |
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM | Lobby Level | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM | Tahoe | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7:00 AM - 8:30 AM | Regency ABC |
Plenary Session & Keynote Speaker
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM | Michael Peterson , Deputy Commissioner on Climate and Sustainability, Climate and Sustainability Branch, California Department of Insurance Ellie White, RMI Regency ABC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM | Amy Dryden, Association for Energy Affordability (AEA) Alex Laskey, Rewiring America Regency ABC |
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM | 2nd Floor Foyer |
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
A4 - Lightning: Equity | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Anne Dougherty, ILLUME Advising | |
Equity, Energy Efficiency, and Engagement in Minnesota | Mila Turner PhD, Slipstream | Carmel |
What (Underserved) Borrowers Say about and Buy with Eco Financing | Anne Arquit Niederberger PhD, Enervee | Carmel |
Inequalities across Cooling and Heating in Households: Energy Equity Gaps | Luling Huang PhD, Carnegie Mellon University | Carmel |
Scaling an Equitable Energy Transition through Technology Solutions | Lauren Gritzke, Oracle | Carmel |
Philanthropy's Role in Equitable Decarbonization in the Affordable Housing Sector | Emily Baumbach, Kinetic Communities Consulting | Carmel |
Communicating Across Cultures: Engaging Diverse Customers with Innovative Rates | Christopher Gallo, Con Edison | Carmel |
Leaving Communities of Color in the Dark: Rotating Outages in California Create Energy and Social Injustices | Isa Ferrall-Wolf PhD, National Renewable Energy Lab | Carmel |
B4 - Decarbonization and Renewable Energy Policies & Programs: Successes and Lessons Learned in Engaging Hard-to-Reach Communities | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Debbie Brannan PhD, Guidehouse | |
Advancing Equity in the Policymaking Process: Engaging Vermonters in Renewable Energy Policy | Claire McIlvennie, Vermont Department of Public Service | Regency E |
Equitably Transforming the Connecticut Solar Market | Eric Shrago, CT Green Bank | Regency E |
Understanding Customer Opt-Out Behavior in the Context of Greener and Cheaper Electricity | Julien Gattaciecca, Calpine Energy Solutions | Regency E |
Electrification, Policy Support, and Market Transformation | Jessica Horne, ICF Luke Surowiec, ICF | Regency E |
C4 - Approaches to Innovative Marketing and Outreach | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Hale Forster, Consortium for Energy Efficiency | |
NEEA’s Strategy to Move a Complex Web of Audiences toward LLLC Adoption | Trevor Rasmussen, C+C | Regency F |
Race to Decarbonization: Concrete Pathways toward Retrofit Affordability | Lynda Nguyen, Kinetic Communities Consulting Jason Block, Cadence OneFive | Regency F |
Promoting Sustainable Housing through Reality TV and Behavioural Science: A Communication Strategy | Danie Nilsson, CSIRO | Regency F |
It’s Electric! Fostering an Energy-Conscious Community through Occupant Engagement | Zachary Colligan Julia Day PhD, Washington State University Shelby Ruiz, Washington State University | Regency F |
D4 - Panel: Inclusive Language and Energy Efficiency for a Sustainable Future | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | huong tran, Mindful Healing LLC | |
Inclusive Language and Energy Efficiency for a Sustainable Future | Victoria Lara, Lara Media Kheoshi Owens, Empress Rules Equity Consulting huong tran, Mindful Healing LLC | Regency D |
F4 - Panel: Staying Power: California’s Market Transformation Strategy for Lasting Energy Efficiency | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Stacey Hobart, CalMTA | |
Staying Power: California’s Market Transformation Strategy for Lasting Energy Efficiency | Jeff Mitchell, CalMTA (administered by Resource Innovations) Melinda Lopez, The Ortiz Group Karen Horkitz, Cadmus Group Stacey Hobart, CalMTA | Golden State |
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM | Regency ABC |
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
A5 - Lightning: Residential Programs | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Bruce Ceniceros, Aluminum Coating Technologies | |
Partnering with Customers to Increase Load Flexibility in a Decarbonizing Future | Essie Snell, Copper Labs | Big Sur |
A Decade of Success for Energy Conservation through Behavior Change® at UMassD | Jamie Jacquart, UMass Dartmouth | Big Sur |
Strange Bedfellows: Can Home Owners Associations and Environmentalists Learn to Love Each Other? | Katy Janda PhD, University College London Kathy Kuntz, Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change | Big Sur |
Be Aware to Prepare: Better Choice Architecture for Residential Equipment Failures | Monica Pagnotta, ICF | Big Sur |
Back to the Future: The Continuing Benefit of In-Home Displays in an App-Based World | Michelle Pham, Apex Analytics | Big Sur |
Twice as Nice? A Longitudinal Field Study of Separate vs. Combined Nudges for Laundry Behaviours | David Hardisty PhD, University of British Columbia | Big Sur |
Would You Swap Your Gas Boiler for a Neighbourhood Heat Pump? | Kate Morland, Leeds Beckett University | Big Sur |
C5 - EV Adoption | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Scott Hardman, University of Califonria, Davis | |
Dude, Where's My (Electric) Car? | Walter Schaefer, DNV | Regency F |
Household-Level EV Adoption Model for California Using Spatial Microsimulation | Trisha Ramadoss, University of California, Davis Electric Vehicle Research Center | Regency F |
Electric Vehicle Charging Reliability: What EV Drivers Say | Kenneth Kurani, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis | Regency F |
D5 - Panel: Equitably Engaging Indigenous Communities: Utility Perspectives | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Kira Ashby, Consortium for Energy Efficiency | |
Equitably Engaging Indigenous Communities: Utility Perspectives | Kira Ashby, Consortium for Energy Efficiency Amy Seabrooke, BC Hydro Jimmy Lu, IESO Mireya Norman, Leidos/Hawaii Energy Katheleen Dixon, FortisBC Energy Inc. Jessei Kanagarajan, Independent Electricity System Operator | Regency D |
E5 - Panel: Measured Savings: Why It Matters for Behavior-Based Approaches | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | ||
Measured Savings: Why It Matters for Behavior-Based Approaches | Savannah Bertrand, Sealed Lea Lupkin, Sense Mia Hermine, Recurve Kara Saul Rinaldi, AnnDyl Policy Group LLC | Golden State |
E9 - Solutions Session - Help Change the Behavior of Contractors to Increase High Performance Building Energy Technology Adoption | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Reuven Sussman PhD, ACEEE | |
Solutions Session: Changing the Behavior of Contractors to Increase High-Performance Building Energy Technology Adoption | Reuven Sussman PhD, ACEEE Alexandra Kramer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Rachel Romero PE, NREL | Regency E |
F5 - The Human Dimensions of 8,760 Load Flexibility | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Margaret Taylor PhD, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | |
The Human Dimensions of 8,760 Load Flexibility | Margaret Taylor PhD, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Sarah Outcault, UC Davis Energy and Efficiency Institute Angela Sanguinetti PhD, University of California Davis | Carmel |
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM | 2nd Floor Foyer |
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
5:15 PM - 6:15 PM | Regency ABC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6:30 PM |
6:30 AM - 7:15 AM | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM | Tahoe | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7:00 AM - 8:30 AM | Regency ABC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7:00 AM - 10:00 AM | Lobby Level |
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
A7 - Lightning: Transportation | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Gil Tal Prof., University of California Davis | |
From Naifs to Sophisticates: Awareness of Self-nudging Reduces Car Usage | Wai Yan Leong, Singapore Land Transport Authority | Regency D |
Give Your Car (and Wallet) a Break: Behavioral Science to Shift Commuting Behavior in Kosovo | Cecilia Shang, ideas42 | Regency D |
Predictors of Electric Vehicle Adoption Intent in Rideshare Drivers Relative to Commuters | Jamie Rye Student, The Ohio State University | Regency D |
Survey Integration in NREL OpenPATH for Comprehensive Travel Behavior Evaluation | Jack Greenlee, National Renewable Energy Laboratory | Regency D |
Contextually Informed Model Formulation | Muhammad Talal Khalid, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign | Regency D |
EV Adoption: "Good Enough" Modeling in a Data-Constricted World | Jesse Emge, Evergreen Economics | Regency D |
Consumer Preferences for Ride-Hailing: Barriers to an Autonomous, Shared, and Electric Future | Rubal Dua, KAPSARC | Regency D |
The CanBikeCO Full Pilot: Long-Term Results and Analysis | K. Shankari PhD, National Renewable Energy Laboratory | Regency D |
E-bikes: A Sustainable Alternative to Local Car Travel | Sedge Lucas, ADM Associates, Inc. | Regency D |
State-Level Transportation Re-pricing for Carbon Reduction and Equity | Allen Greenberg, U.S. Dept of Transportation / Federal Highway Administration | Regency D |
B7 - You Don't Always Get What You Measure: The Importance of Non-Energy Benefits | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Sheena Mirpuri, Behavioral Insights Team | |
What Could Be Better Than MTCO2e? Seeking More-Effective Metrics | Miya Kitahara, StopWaste | Regency E |
Advancing Program Evaluation with Measure-Based NEIs | Ann Gibbs, Skumatz Economic Research Associates (SERA) | Regency E |
Recycling: A Classic Intention-Action Gap | Elizabeth Schussler, The Recycling Partnership | Regency E |
Flexible Housing Units from the Consumer's Point of View | Thomas Decker, Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences Christian Mergel, Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences | Regency E |
C7 - Using Technology to Empower Energy Savings: Success stories | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Patricia Aloise-Young PhD, Colorado State University | |
Farmer Behavior & Community Initiatives for Efficient & Quality Energy Supply to Agricultural Pumps | Athira Panicker PhD Candidate, CTARA, IIT BOMBAY | Regency F |
What’s Your Thermal IQ?: Engaging Industrials in Sustainability Management and Emission Reduction | Kaylan Meinecke, Honeywell Dale Smith, Honeywell Thermal Solutions | Regency F |
Using Technology to Drive Energy Savings | Ted Peterson PhD, Dominion Energy | Regency F |
SCE Dynamic Rate Pilot: How Flexible Pricing and a “Robot” Reduced Energy Costs for K-12 | Julie Hyes, Julie Hayes Consulting LLC Tanya Barham, Community Energy Labs, Inc. | Regency F |
D7 - Community Coalitions for Energy Equity | ||
🎤 Session Moderator | Pamela Fann CDP, CDT, Impact Energy | |
Pathways for Limited-English Utility Customers to Navigate a Foreign Energy Landscape | Stacia Dreyer PhD, Opinion Dynamics | Big Sur |
Embedding Community Leaders into Program Design and Delivery | Lindsey Diercksen, LD Consulting LLC Shelley Beaulieu, Dragonfly Consulting LLC Kheoshi Owens, Empress Rules Equity Consulting Victoria Lara, Lara Media Steph Berkland, TRC | Big Sur |
Energize Denver: Putting the Human Touch in Building Decarbonization | Tom Wildman, City and County of Denver | Big Sur |
Clean Energy and Equity Initiative | Rob Harris, Clean Foundation | Big Sur |
F7 - Panel: Leadership & Innovation: Shaping the Future of Energy by Embracing a Culture of Change | ||
Leadership & Innovation: Shaping the Future of Energy by Embracing a Culture of Change | Kaylan Meinecke, Honeywell Jennifer Cornell, Honeywell Aman Khippal, Honeywell | Golden State |
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM | Break 2nd Floor Foyer |
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Beth Karlin, See Change Institute Birgit Penzenstadler, Chalmers Technical University Anirudh Tiwathia, Rare Entertainment Lab Regency ABC |
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM | Kadir Bedir, California Energy Commission Golden State |