Monday, November 13, 2023
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
A1 - Lightning: Snapshots of Program Design and Implementation in Diverse Contexts
Session ID BECC
Laura Cappellucci, Takeda
Hannah Courtney, Bidgely
Lan Ha, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Richard Wilner, BioLife Plasma Services, Takeda
Sang woo Ham PhD, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Donghun Kim, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Christopher Knittel, MIT Sloan School of Management
Guanyu Yang, University College London
Josh Brock, Calpine
Anayo Azubuike Ezeamama Dr., Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany
Marisa Nowicki MSPPM, ideas42
Sea Rotmann Dr, See Change Institute
Bill Wescott, BrainOxygen LLC
Hannah Courtney, Bidgely
Lan Ha, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Richard Wilner, BioLife Plasma Services, Takeda
Sang woo Ham PhD, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Donghun Kim, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Christopher Knittel, MIT Sloan School of Management
Guanyu Yang, University College London
Josh Brock, Calpine
Anayo Azubuike Ezeamama Dr., Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany
Marisa Nowicki MSPPM, ideas42
Sea Rotmann Dr, See Change Institute
Bill Wescott, BrainOxygen LLC

Moderator: Josh Brock
- Enhancing MPC Controls with User-Centric Design: Lessons from K-12 School Buildings
- Small Changes, Big Impact: MIT & Takeda Join Forces to Nudge Employees toward Sustainable Behavior
- Which Bin? Using Behavioral Design to Improve Waste Sorting Behavior in a UN Agency
- Solving the Grid Puzzle: Effective Shed, Shift, and Stack Approach to BEE and BDR
- Integrating Energy Efficiency into Nigeria’s NDC: Opportunities and Challenges
- How Do Small and Medium Businesses Understand and Respond to TOU Rates?
- Applying Social Norms to Increasing Sustainable Cooling Behaviors in Chinese Offices
- Leveraging the Superpower of Advertising for Climate Action