Tuesday, November 14, 2023
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
A5 - Lightning: Residential Programs
Session ID BECC
David Hardisty Jamie Jacquart Michelle Pham Essie Snell Katy Janda Kathy Kuntz Kate Morland Bruce Ceniceros

Moderator: Bruce Ceniceros


  • Twice as Nice? A Longitudinal Field Study of Separate vs. Combined Nudges for Laundry Behaviours
  • Back to the Future: The Continuing Benefit of In-Home Displays in an App-Based World
  • Be Aware to Prepare: Better Choice Architecture for Residential Equipment Failures
  • A Decade of Success for Energy Conservation through Behavior Change® at UMassD
  • Partnering with Customers to Increase Load Flexibility in a Decarbonizing Future
  • Strange Bedfellows: Can Home Owners Associations and Environmentalists Learn to Love Each Other?
  • Would You Swap Your Gas Boiler for a Neighbourhood Heat Pump?

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