Tuesday, November 14, 2023
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
A5 - Lightning: Residential Programs
Session ID BECC
David Hardisty PhD, University of British Columbia
Jamie Jacquart, UMass Dartmouth
Monica Pagnotta, ICF
Michelle Pham, Apex Analytics
Essie Snell, Copper Labs
Katy Janda PhD, University College London
Kathy Kuntz, Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change
Kate Morland, Leeds Beckett University
Bruce Ceniceros, Aluminum Coating Technologies
Jamie Jacquart, UMass Dartmouth
Monica Pagnotta, ICF
Michelle Pham, Apex Analytics
Essie Snell, Copper Labs
Katy Janda PhD, University College London
Kathy Kuntz, Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change
Kate Morland, Leeds Beckett University
Bruce Ceniceros, Aluminum Coating Technologies

Moderator: Bruce Ceniceros
- Twice as Nice? A Longitudinal Field Study of Separate vs. Combined Nudges for Laundry Behaviours
- Back to the Future: The Continuing Benefit of In-Home Displays in an App-Based World
- Be Aware to Prepare: Better Choice Architecture for Residential Equipment Failures
- A Decade of Success for Energy Conservation through Behavior Change® at UMassD
- Partnering with Customers to Increase Load Flexibility in a Decarbonizing Future
- Strange Bedfellows: Can Home Owners Associations and Environmentalists Learn to Love Each Other?
- Would You Swap Your Gas Boiler for a Neighbourhood Heat Pump?